Fires of a whole range of materials and in all kinds of installations can be effectively controlled and/or extinguished using water. Water is certainly the most commonly used extinguishing agent.
By spreading that water, divided into a large number of fine droplets, over the seat of the fire, the extinguishing possibilities are greatly extended.
Operating principle

The transformation into many very small droplets allows the water to absorb the heat of a fire with a much larger surface area of contact.
That heat will heat up a whole number of those droplets so much that they transform into steam. That conversion from liquid to vapour causes a sudden 1650-fold increase in volume. That gas displaces the air, and thus oxygen, away from the fire and since fire in most cases requires presence of oxygen ...
The droplets that do manage to reach the burning object, because they are somewhat larger than the others, wet the burning matter, making it much harder for it to catch fire. This is what the droplets formed by standard sprinklers also do.
Finer droplets float for a long time, diluting flammable gases and holding back the heat.
The standards that exist for water mist systems, such as "NFPA No. 750", do not specify the pressure and flow rate to be used but contain general provisions on e.g. duration of protection. In addition, there are protocols for extinguishing tests such as FM 5560 and 5580 (Factory Mutual) or VdS 2562 (Verband der Sachversicherer) or IMO 1387 (International Maritime Organisation), which must be passed successfully if a designed system is to receive approval for a specific application.

AquaMist ULF

With the wide range of Tyco - Johnson Controls, which we follow, we have a wide range of options :
Protection with the Ultra Low Flow system (ULF - droplet size 100 to 200 μm) with supply by means of an electric pump group or, in exceptional cases, by a pressurised water tank with nitrogen cylinders, at pressures of 7 to 15 bar and with limited flow rate,
Offices, data centres, hospitals, historical heritage, ... with closed special sprinkler heads,
Machine rooms, turbines, cable tunnels, free-standing machines and even industrial fryers with open nozzles.
AquaMist Fog

Protection with the FOG system (droplet size approx. 50 μm) and feeding using nitrogen or air cylinders to expel the water from cylinders filled with it or exceptionally with a pump,
Machine and turbine rooms,
Transformer rooms,
Engine test booths,
Paint spray booths,
Rooms with power groups

AquaMist Sonic

Protection with the SONIC system (droplet size approx. 10 μm) with specially developed nozzles that can be fed simultaneously with water and nitrogen for application in challenging situations such as
High spaces,
Presence of many obstacles